  • Projekt
  • Opublikowano: 11.06.2021
  • 0 
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„Organizacja pracy Welfare and Development Center w Gori w czasie pandemii COVID-19 i w rzeczywistości post-pandemicznej”/„გორის „კეთილდღეობისა და განვითარების ცენტრის“ მუშაობის ორგანიზება კოვიდ-19-ის პანდემიის პერიოდში და პოსტ-პანდემიური რეალობა“

„Organizacja pracy Welfare and Development Center w Gori w czasie pandemii COVID-19 i w rzeczywistości post-pandemicznej”/„გორის „კეთილდღეობისა და განვითარების ცენტრის“ მუშაობის ორგანიზება კოვიდ-19-ის პანდემიის პერიოდში და პოსტ-პანდემიური რეალობა“
  • Obszar tematyczny: problemy społeczne, socjalne
  • Kraje, w których realizowany jest projekt:
    • Gruzja
Opis projektu
W Gruzji osoby z niepełnosprawnościami stanowią jedną z najbardziej dyskryminowanych grup społecznych. Taka sytuacja spowodowana jest szeregiem czynników, wynikających m.in. z historii tego kraju, sytuacji ekonomicznej oraz mentalności. Są grupą wykluczoną i najczęściej pomijaną w wielu aspektach życia społecznego. Pandemia COVID-19 pogłębiła te nierówności i spowodowała jeszcze większe odgrodzenie tej grupy od reszty społeczeństwa. Osoby z niepełnosprawnością i ich opiekunowie podczas przymusowej kwarantanny zostali odcięci od wszelkich usług oraz wsparcia instytucjonalnego. Niniejszy projekt ma na celu niwelowanie skutków pandemii dla tej grupy poprzez wsparcie organizacji pracy oraz stworzenie planu działania Welfare Development Centre (კეთილდღეობისა და განვითარების ცენტრი) w Gori. Poprzez szereg szkoleń chcemy przekazać polskie doświadczenia NGO i in. instytucji zajmujących się na co dzień dziećmi i młodzieżą z niepełnosprawnościami w zakresie edukacji zdalnej czy rehabilitacji online. Dodatkowo przeszkolimy urzędników i urzędniczki z Urzędu Miasta w Gori w zakresie obsługi klienta z niepełnosprawnościami. Jednocześnie, będziemy zwracać uwagę na zmieniającą się sytuację. Czas realizacji projektu: 01.02.2021 - 30.09.2021 In Georgia, people with disabilities are one of the most discriminated against in society. This situation is caused by a number of factors, including on the country's history, economic situation and mentality. They are an excluded group and most often overlooked in many aspects of social life. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these inequalities and separated this group even further from the rest of society. People with disabilities and their carers were cut off from all services and institutional support during the compulsory quarantine. This project aims to counter the effects of the pandemic on this group by supporting the organization of work and creating an action plan for the Welfare Development Center (კეთილდღეობისა და განვითარების ცენტრი) in Gori. Through a series of trainings, we want to share the Polish experiences of NGOs and others, institutions dealing with children and youth with disabilities on a daily basis in the field of remote education or online rehabilitation. In addition, we will train officials from the Gori City Hall in the field of customer service with disabilities. Project implementation time: 01/02/2021 - 30/09/2021

Partnerzy projektu
  • Welfare and Development Center w Gori

"Organization of the work of the Welfare and Development Center in Gori during the COVID-19 pandemic and in the post-pandemic reality"/

  • Thematic field: social and social security issues
  • Countries where project is being implemented:
    • Georgia
Project description
In Georgia, people with disabilities are one of the most discriminated against in society. This situation is caused by a number of factors, including on the country's history, economic situation and mentality. They are an excluded group and most often overlooked in many aspects of social life. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these inequalities and separated this group even further from the rest of society. People with disabilities and their carers were cut off from all services and institutional support during the compulsory quarantine. This project aims to counter the effects of the pandemic on this group by supporting the organization of work and creating an action plan for the Welfare Development Center (კეთილდღეობისა და განვითარების ცენტრი) in Gori. Through a series of trainings, we want to share the Polish experiences of NGOs and others, institutions dealing with children and youth with disabilities on a daily basis in the field of remote education or online rehabilitation. In addition, we will train officials from the Gori City Hall in the field of customer service with disabilities. Project implementation time: 01/02/2021 - 30/09/2021

Project partners
  • Welfare and Development Center w Gori