Hub school Khrystynivka lyceum
Dane szkoły

Adres szkoły: 200001 Cherkasy region, Khrystynivka town Pershotravneva street 50

Kraj: UA

Województwo: Cherkasy

Typ szkoły: Опорное заведение образования

Liczba uczniów: 717

Wiek uczniów: 6-17

Charakterystyka szkoły (informacja o szkole, zasoby własne, samorząd uczniowski, koła zainteresowań, koła europejskie, etc.)
School address: Khrystynivka city, Cherkasy region, Ukraine Country: UA Region: Cherkasy Type of school: Hub school Khrystynivka lyceum Website: http://school2info.at.ua/ Link to Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100032983280391 Number of students: 717 and In Ivangorod branch of "Khrystynivka Lyceum" - 50 students, including: 1 - 4 classes - 18 students, 5-9 (10) classes - 32 students. There are 42 students in Sychivka branch of Khrystynivsky Lyceum, including: 1 - 4 classes - 23 students, 5-9 (10) classes - 19 students. There is a school bus for students` transportation. Language of instruction is Ukrainian Age of students: 6-17 School mode: a five-day week for students in grades 1-11. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SCHOOL (INFORMATION ABOUT THE SCHOOL, OWN RESOURCES, STUDENT SELF-GOVERNMENT, CIRCLES OF INTERESTS, EUROPEAN CIRCLES, ETC. The educational institution is operating in the mode of development, dynamically, stably creating conditions for ensuring equal access to quality education; school - an experimental platform at the regional level for the introduction of innovative methods for the cognitive development of the child; teaching children in primary school according to the methods of the scientific and pedagogical project "Intellect of Ukraine"; profile education (directions: historical, mathematical, philological); in-depth study of mathematics and Ukrainian language from the 8th grade; basic school is on the organization of methodical work

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