Запорізький навчально-виховний комплекс №67 Запорізької міської ради/Zaporizhzhia Educational Secondary School №67 Zaporizhzhia city Council
Dane szkoły

Adres szkoły: 26, Radiatorna St., Zaporizhzhia, 69067, Ukraine

Kraj: UA

Województwo: Запорізька/Zaporizhzhia region

Typ szkoły: secondary school

Strona www: https://www.znvk-67.zp.ua/

Link do profilu na Facebooku: https://www.facebook.com/znvk67

Liczba uczniów: 850

Wiek uczniów: 10-17

Charakterystyka szkoły (informacja o szkole, zasoby własne, samorząd uczniowski, koła zainteresowań, koła europejskie, etc.)
Zaporizhzhia Educational School No. 67 is one of the largest educational institutions in Zaporizhzhia, with about 900 students. The educational process covers students from the 5th to the 11th grade. From the 5th grade, foreign language, mathematics, computer science, and natural science are reinforced; from the 10th grade, the profiling begins: foreign philology, mathematics and information, technology (mastering the professions of driver and hairdresser), and natural science. Our students study three foreign languages: English, French and German. The institution has a powerful scientific society "Knowledge PLUS", which aims to provide organizational support for the research, search, and project activities of our students, who are regular winners of various national and international competitions, contests, projects, etc. Every year, the team of the institution presents its achievements during the work of the Minor Academy of Sciences, in the GENIUS Olympiad Ukraine competition. In 2023, our student represented Ukraine in the International Competition "GENIUS OLYMPIAD GLOBAL" in the United States. Our foreign language teachers organized an English-language GoCamp at the school; we have already had volunteers from Poland, Israel, and the Netherlands. We are proud of our student government "KROK", which helps the school administration to create a rich educational environment: it publishes the school newspaper "Dialogue", participates in competitions and grants.

Atrakcje w miejscowości i regionie
Zaporizhzhia is an extraordinary Ukrainian city that attracts with its beauty. It is a city where you can feel the Cossack spirit, despite modern buildings and industrial enterprises. Our city has one of the longest avenues in the world. It is also home to the Dnipro Hydroelectric Power station, which impresses with its power. There are wonderful views of the Dnipro River, the island of Khortytsia with its legends of the Zaporizhzhia Cossacks and its ancient fables. This island is the largest on the Dnipro and is included in the list of seven wonders of Ukraine. Various natural zones intersect on the island, which contributes to the unique flora of these places. Zaporizhzhia region has significant recreational, resort and tourist resources. The region is famous for its nature, historical and archaeological reserves. https://youtu.be/V5R37Hns-r4?si=-yLobEvAaneWn3Xo

Kogo i do jakiej współpracy szukamy? (tematy, obszary i formy współpracy)
We are looking for Polish schools for - joint environmental, historical and legal projects, - STEM/STREAM projects, - organization of summer English-language camps, - physical development programmes. We are ready to hold online and offline meetings to share experiences and creative ideas between students and teachers. We are interested in establishing friendly relations with Polish schools for cultural and educational exchange in the upbringing and teaching of young people. Шукаємо польські школи для спільних екологічних, історико-правових проєктів, STEM- проєктів, організації роботи літніх англомовних таборів, програм з фізичного розвитку. Готові до проведення онлайн та офлайн зустрічей обміну досвідом та цікавими креативними ідеями між нашими учнями та вчителями. Ми зацікавлені у встановлені дружніх відносин з польськими школами для культурного та освітнього обміну у вихованні та навчання молоді.

Osoba do kontaktu

Imię i nazwisko: Юлія Соболенко/ Yuliia Sobolenko

Email: sobolenko854@gmail.com

Rola w szkole: заступник директора, вчитель історії/ head teacher, History teacher

Języki: українська, English

Запорізький навчально-виховний комплекс №67 Запорізької міської ради/Zaporizhzhia Educational Secondary School №67 Zaporizhzhia city Council
Запорізький навчально-виховний комплекс №67 Запорізької міської ради/Zaporizhzhia Educational Secondary School №67 Zaporizhzhia city Council
Запорізький навчально-виховний комплекс №67 Запорізької міської ради/Zaporizhzhia Educational Secondary School №67 Zaporizhzhia city Council
Запорізький навчально-виховний комплекс №67 Запорізької міської ради/Zaporizhzhia Educational Secondary School №67 Zaporizhzhia city Council